Monday, May 5, 2008

Small Brown Bike

These guys rule so fucking hard!!! I'm sure you're thinking, "why do these dudes rule so hard?"

Well, if I knew the answer to that question then I wouldn't be posting on some blog, and instead I'd be ruling as hard as these guys ruled. Needless to say, I don't rule that hard since I'm obviously posting on this blog. I think part of it probably has to do with their dual vocals, the punk/melodic thing they got going on, and lyrics that cater to an older fan of the genre. I dig it. If I dug any harder my arms would fall off from digging so hard!!! OH MAN, SMALL BROWN BIKE BRINGS THE LOLZ. Download this shit or bite the curb you fuck.

P.S. I am sure they didn't ride fixed gear if it makes you any happier.

Small Brown Bike (1996 - 2004)

Small Brown Bike - Our Own Wars (1999)

Small Brown Bike - Dead Reckoning (2001)

Small Brown Bike/Casket Lottery Split (2002)

Small Brown Bike - The River Bed (2003)

Small Brown Bike - Nail Yourself to the Ground (2004)



Anonymous said...

i am way into that casket lottery spilt

Chris Hennig said...

thanks a ton for this. I have been searching around for a while for the discog.

Awesome said...

my best friends uncle was their drummer

Anonymous said...

your the fucking man!!!!

Brad said...

You forgot to add the album Collection. Which is basically their 7" records and demo recordings. Really really good stuff!

Unknown said...

Could you repost these?