Thursday, November 13, 2008

Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate)

This band reminds me of American Football and Mineral. But that's me... =(

Really good stuff. I put their EP and their new 7" in one file. If you can't play the EP on i-tunes without a password, you should be able to play it on your i-pod without a problem. If there is a problem, buy their music. If you don't want to deal with passwords, purchase their material. They are on tour now.


When the Sea Became a Giant & Year of the Rabbit 2007-1008


Anonymous said...

not sure i see where you're coming from with Mineral...


achilous said...

then you havent listened to end serenading.

CHUG LIFE said...

love this stuff. thanks for turning me onto it. it really reminds me of all those great 90's bands - mineral, appleseed, american football.

Anonymous said...

buy this from czine
stop posting czine stuff you fucking douche

achilous said...

I got permission from the fucking band you douche.

Anonymous said...

Great band! Thanks!

Kevin said...

you're right, I can definitely hear the Mineral in "Lilly, I Have Something Important To Tell You"

and thanks a lot for this!