Friday, June 27, 2008

Fight Amp

Young Widows canceled their show at Dudefest this year. It totally bummed me out. This band, however, totally replaced them. Well, for me at least, because I never heard of them before. Mix Sweet Cobra with Young Widows and you will have Fight Amp. They rocked the 21+ venue. Fuck, this album is heavy. They have a babe guitarist too!

Hungry For Nothing


Anonymous said...

they played with daughters recently. I caught the tour tonight in wilmington but young widows wasn't on it for that part of the tour.

you into daughters at all? one of my favorite bands.

achilous said...

i hate daughters haha

Anonymous said...

hahaha to each his own.

Anonymous said...

not sure if you are still taking requests..

but are you able to put up a bunch of dianogah stuff?