Friday, September 17, 2010

Systems Officer

Yup. You know... Zach from Pinback, it's his solo stuff.
If you haven't heard this, there is something wrong with you.


...well, whatever. Keep commenting so I know my shit work is at least being appreciated by you shit people.

Systems Officer (2004)

Underslept (2009)


Anonymous said...

thanks! i appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

hahahahah LOL dude came back so sup man u got married 5 kids got clean and now working on Wall Street Jeremy From Dominikan

Patrick said...

Love all things pinback! Thanks

Hallakuhla said...

Keep it up, shit head

GivenWillingly said...

Wow, I just randomly checked back after months and here you are... with new stuff... surreal :D

randeru said...

You're alive!!! The world is bright again!

Heavybootsmusic said...

Want to trade links!?

Jane said...


TheDave said...

heres to randomly checking back and getting new stuff to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

welcome back
i might call you lazarus from now on ehehhe
helms alee kick ass. shoegazze-posthardcore shit. brilliant!
greets from greece

djwarrior said...

Wassup.I found cool samples like in the first album.U can download them from -