Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rockets Red Glare

Here is an awesome, completely under-rated band from Canada.  
They only lasted a couple years, and have been broken up since 03'.

If you like My Disco! and Young Widows (which you better), then you should like these guys as well.  One of the better bands that have existed that create this type of music.


Anonymous said...

Nice music here, thanks especially for the Jazz June (I somehow constantly overlooked that band). I think you might like The Ghost and Kevlar. I recently posted both so feel free..

achilous said...

Thanks man, I'll check them out. =)

Anonymous said...

So good.

ciber_punx said...

thaks for this band , your blog is great :)

achilous said...

The Ghost "AND" Kevlar. I thought it was one band name. I grew up to Ghost, man. Haha.